He walks out of the apartment building and out onto the street. The cloudiness begins to lift, his head starts to clear. His memory though eludes him completely. Still unsure of what happened or why he has a bump that feels fresh and causing the throbbing pain throughout his head.
He walks for what feels like 15 minutes without a destination. He turns the corner to see a street market. He can smell the familiar aroma of the nearby Asian foods. “I could use something to eat, it all smells so good. I hope there’s some Youtiao here”
He comes up to a vendor, looks at the woman, lifts two fingers, “two please.” The man pulls out his wallet. He rummages through the large amounts of cash for a $100L bill. “John, would you like a drink with that?” he hears faintly. As he is closing the wallet, he notices no credit cards or identification or anything other than cash. “John, a drink?” Sliding his wallet into his pocket he looks up seeing the woman looking at him waiting for an answer “John?” she asks. He replies… “Who?”