The door slides open. Ivo’s arm draped around her neck, barely able to stand, bleeding out of the fresh wound. Arianna holding onto Ivo’s hand, dragging her wounded lover through the door. Even the self-cleaning nanobyte-lined shirt cannot keep up with the blood coming out the side of Ivo’s gut. Connor the Ripperdoc, and Arianna’s longtime friend dating back to middle school, runs to help her drag him to the operating chair. “Never a dull moment dude!!” he proclaims as he gently places Ivo’s head on the headrest.

Ivo, hand over his wound, as he lays on the Ripperdocs chair, moaning and writhing in the chair. He blurts out an “oh fuck” every now and then. Tears roll down Arianna’s eyes, distraught with fear that she will lose her love. She knows she brought him to the right place. Connor will fix him.
A loud noise of clanking metal disturbs her thoughts as Connor drops a tray of medical tools. No worries, this is Drune after all, the medical equipment self-sterilizes immediately as Connor picks them up off the floor. A blue light covers them as the cleansing process completes. Connor places the tray back on the table as he pulls the monitor down toward him for a better view, allowing him to diagnose the problem. “That’s an ugly stab wound,” Connor exclaims. Arianna and Ivo both stop to look at Connor incredulously. “Doc, it took all of this equipment to figure that out?” Ivo said sarcastically through his grunts.

It’s been 2 years since Ivo and Arianna met by chance at the dance club. They have spent most of their time together since. They have helped each other with their objective as partners in crime, best friends and as lovers. They’ve become like the Robin Hood version of Bonnie and Clyde. Her break-ins are usually of the hacking variety. The woman could break into anything with her trusty computer. However, she does find herself from time to time in the midst of Ivo’s crazy, more physical, approach to sticking it to the Corps, mob or government. More on that another time… Ivo is bleeding out.

Connor smirks as he finishes entering the data and swiping across the screen. Connor lift’s Ivo’s shirt and opens a tin can filled with nanites. He places the nanites onto Ivo’s gaping wound. The nanites each grow tiny legs and run around Ivo’s midsection in a surreal sort of synchronized dance. Ivo looks up at Arianna as his eyes get heavy, his surroundings go dark as his eyes close. The sounds begin to fade as he hears one loud statement from Connor before he slips away. “What the hell? I’m losing him…”
